Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bednar as a Boy

David Allan Bednar was born June 15, 1952 in Oakland, California.  This month he celebrated his 63rd birthday.  He was raised in San Leandro, California by his LDS mother Lavina Whitney Bednar who was a descendant of strong pioneer heritage and his Catholic Father Anthony George Bednar.  Although his dad was not a member when he was a child, he was constant in attending church with his family, helping with Church functions, and supportive when it was time for Elder Bednar to serve a mission. 

Throughout his youth, and even from the mission field, Elder Bednar would ask his father, “Dad, when are you going to be baptized?” The answer was, “I’ll join this Church when I know it’s the right thing to do.”  Years late, after Elder Bednar’s mission and after he was married and living far away from home, his father called on a Wednesday to ask, “What are you doing Saturday? Can you be out here (In California) to baptize me?” Elder Bednar baptized, confirmed, and ordained his father.  He says of that phone call and the question from his father:” I honestly believe that’s why I was born.  Not to teach him, but to assist him in learning about the restored gospel.” 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Patrice thoughts

When David A Bednar was in his mission training, he became enlightened how President Harold B Lee could answer all three hundred missionaries’ questions. He did this all with his scriptures, and this inspired Bednar to teach through his scriptures.  My first semester at Rick College, David A Bednar started his devotion telling us to hold our scripture up and then the place them in our lap, for we were going to use them.  Bednar said, “You and I bear the Responsibility to become people of integrity and honesty-people who are true and trustworthy when one is watching and when no one else is around.” He wanted to teach the students how valuable the scriptures should be to us. We were encouraged to bring our scriptures every Tuesday to the devotions. As a recent convert, I was touch on how strongly he felt about the Lord’s work in his scriptures.

April's thoughts

This is a touching story about extending invitations one by one and what happens when we do. I got goosebumps when I watched this and I know Elder Bednar is an apostle of the church. I can tell by the way he speaks that he loves everyone and wants to see us get closer to our Heavenly Father. I have a testimony that His church was built one by one and that we can continue to build His church one by one. We should never think that we as an individual do not have the power to make a difference because we do. I believe that.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Missionary Moments

Elder Bednar served a full time mission in Germany.  As a missionary he crossed paths with several future apostles.  Boyd K. Packer shared this neat experience.

Over 30 years ago I was assigned with then-Elder Thomas S. Monson to organize a servicemen’s stake in Europe. We met at Berchtesgaden, Germany, high in the Bavarian Alps. Originally it was a headquarters built by Adolf Hitler in an incomparably beautiful place. Seldom has there been on this earth anyone who has duplicated in personality and purpose the adversary quite as much as did Adolf Hitler. I thought that we had come full circle where that had taken place on that site, and now we were gathered there to organize a stake of Zion.
After we had finished setting apart and completing that organization, we were assigned to go to Berlin for a stake conference. We needed to get from Berchtesgaden high in the Alps down to Munich to the airport.
We got to the airport in ample time for our plane, which was scheduled to leave at about 10:00 in the morning, but it was fogged in. We sat there listening to the announcements for nearly 12 hours. They kept saying they thought the fog would clear. It did not clear.
That night near 10:00, two missionary elders came to the airport. We knew then that the planes would not fly. They told us there was a train leaving Munich for Berlin at midnight. The elders took us to the train station, helped us buy our tickets, and saw us aboard the train, which would take from about midnight until about 10:00 the next morning to arrive in Berlin.
As the train was pulling out, one young elder said, “Do you have any German money?”
I shook my head no.
He said, “You better have some,” and, running alongside, pulled from his pocket a 20-mark note. He handed that to me.
At that time the Iron Curtain was very “iron.” The train stopped at Hof on the border between West Germany and East Germany, and the crews were changed. All of the West German crew members got off the train, and the East German crew got on the train. Then the train set out across East Germany toward Berlin.
The U.S. government had just begun to issue five-year passports. I had a new passport, a five-year passport. Before our trip, we went to have my wife’s passport renewed, but they sent it back saying that the three-year passports were honored as a five-year passport. She still had more than two years left on her passport.
At about two o’clock in the morning, a conductor, a military-type soldier, came and asked for our tickets, and then, noting that we were not German, he asked for our passports. I do not like to give up my passport, especially in unfriendly places. But he took them. I almost never dislike anybody, but I made an exception for him! He was a surly, burly, ugly man.
We spoke no German. In the train compartment, there were six of us: my wife and a German sitting to the side of her and then almost knee to knee in a bench facing us were three other Germans. We had all been conversing a little. When the conductor came in, all was silent.
A conversation took place, and I knew what he was saying. He was denying my wife’s passport. He went away and came back two or three times.
Finally, not knowing what to do, I had a bit of inspiration and produced that 20-mark note. He looked at it, took the note, and handed us our passports.
The next morning when we arrived in Berlin, a member of the Church met us at the train. I rather lightly told him of our experience. He was suddenly very sober. I said, “What’s the matter?”
He said, “I don’t know how to explain your getting here. East Germany right now is the one country in the world that refuses to honor the three-year passport. To them, your wife’s passport was not valid.”
I said, “Well, what could they have done?”
He answered, “Put you off the train.”
I said, “They wouldn’t put us off the train, would they?”
He said, “Not us. Her!”
I could see myself having someone try to put my wife off the train at about two o’clock in the morning somewhere in East Germany. I am not sure I would know what to do. I did not learn until afterwards how dangerous it was and what the circumstances were, particularly for my wife. I care a good deal more about her than I do for myself. We had been in very serious danger. Those whose passports they would not accept were arrested and detained.

Our Lives Are Guided

All of this comes to this point: the elder who handed me the 20-mark note was David A. Bednar, a young elder serving in the South German Mission, who is now a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
So why was it that this young elder from San Leandro, California, handed me the 20-mark note? If you understand that and understand what life is about, you will understand really all you need to know about life as members of the Church. You will understand how our lives are really not our own. They are governed—and if we live as we should live, then we will be taken care of. I do not think he knew the consequences of what he was doing. That 20-mark note was worth six dollars, and six dollars to an elder is quite a bit!
As you go through life, you will find that these things happen when you are living as you ought to live.
If you can learn what the Spirit is, then you never need to be alone. In Doctrine and Covenants 46:2, it says, “Notwithstanding those things which are written, it always has been given to the elders of my church from the beginning, and ever shall be, to conduct all meetings as they are directed and guided by the Holy Spirit.”

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Love and Marriage

Elder Bednar married Susan Kae Robinson in the Salt Lake Temple on March 20, 1975. They have been married 38 years and have three sons. 

Sister Bednar says of her husband:
 “People who know him well would say that he’s tough but tender. He’s competent and compassionate. He’s driven yet discerning. He’s faithful and fearless. He has a great capacity to lead and the wisdom to follow.”
His son Michael says:
“It seems that faith has driven out fear in my dad. He is always optimistic. No matter what goes wrong, he always says, ‘Things will work out.’ When it was hard for me during my mission, he told me to work hard and success would come. And he told me when the success came to remember that God gave it and that I did not earn it.”
Eric, another son, describes his father’s example:
“He has always gone to the real sources: the words of the prophets and the scriptures. He is bold but he listens. He will ask inspired questions and then listen to your answer, and then he will ask another inspired question. Once he was giving me something similar to a temple recommend interview when I was about 14. He asked me if I sustained President Ezra Taft Benson. I said that I did. And then, after a pause, he asked, ‘What have you read lately of what President Benson has said?’”
Jeffrey, the youngest of the three sons, says,
“Since I was little, Dad taught me to set goals and exercise faith.” Jeff also says: “I want people to know that he is an ordinary man who can do extraordinary things because of the strength of the Lord. He is a living witness of the enabling power of the Atonement.”