Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fun Facts

In high school, Elder Bednar played quarterback on the football team.
The Bednars are huge fans of the Razorbacks basketball team.

                                              David A. Bednar loves to ski!

In late 2009 the BYU-Idaho choirs and orchestras performed an oratorio with words by 
Bednar and music by Robert Cundick.

Bednar remembers a time in 1987 when he was the bishop in Fayetteville, Arkansas. “I went into Primary one Sunday,” he says. “They had invited me. I decided to wear red suspenders. I thought that I would somehow use them as an object lesson. So I got in the Primary room, took off my coat, and said, ‘Now, boys and girls, the bishop has these red suspenders. How are the scriptures like my red suspenders?’ And one little boy raised his hand and said, ‘The scriptures hold up our faith in Jesus the same way your suspenders hold up your pants.’ I said, ‘That is exactly right.’ The little boys in the ward started wearing red suspenders, and the little girls had red bows in their hair

·         Bednar was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve on October 2, 2004, the youngest man named to that body since Dallin H. Oaks in 1984.

·         Bednar and Dieter F. Uchtorf were called to fill the vacancies created by the July 2004 deaths of quorum members David B. Haight and Neal A. Maxwell.

·         He is the youngest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at this time.

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